Note: Single Stableford

The 16 best scores from today will progress to the Terry Kenny Matchplay Event. The matchplay will be played over the following games – March 25, May 27, August 19, October 14.If you are unavailable for any of these games, please let Bernie know today.

1st Hole

Starter + nominations for next game: Wayne Selfridge


6.30am start

Bernie Freeburn (8), Jenny Freeburn (37), Jenny Delaney (44), Troy Newall (21)


Eddie Habib (17), Shannon Finn (38), John Slater (35) -Cart), Col Bentley (46) - Cart)


Wayne Selfridge (28), Stuart Hurley (23), Peter O’Brien (27), Dave Finn (33)



Starter + nominations for next game: Peter Kennedy


6.30am start

Enda Scully (18), Peter McCabe (24P), Mark DeHaas (35), Amanda DeHaas (44)


Bruce Farquhar (34), Garry Mitchell (19), John Poropat (21) - Cart


Peter Kennedy (38) - Cart, Fred McCarthy (40) Cart, Rob Finn (30)


BBQ – Margaret Bentley

Money – Jenny Delaney

Raffle Stubbs – Jenny Delaney

Raffle – Garry Mitchell

Raffle Prizes – Bruce Farqhuar + Shannon Finn

Money Bag – Mark DeHaas

BBQ Clean up – Everyone