Another great year has passed for this friendly sporting group. We have seen some new players join us through the year and would continue to encourage new players to join. There were 8 players that achieved game attendance milestones, between 50 and 250 games. Well done to you all. The golf has been competitive, with many players in the hunt for prizes.
Our weekend of golf in September at Orange was another success. The golf course condition, great weather and friendly attendees made it a perfect mix for a top weekend for both golf and socialising. Our Saturday night dinner and presentation was a fun night. Thanks to everyone that contributed towards the running of this weekend.
I would like to thank all the people that contributed towards running the club, whether it be even the smallest of jobs or the bigger tasks. The saying “many hands make light work”, certainly applies to our group. Thanks to our committee for continuing to try new ideas, to attract new players and keep our golf days interesting. Thanks also to those golfers that volunteered their help at the Dooleys Fair in December.
Thanks to our Patron - Bill Belkovski for his continued support. Thanks again to our Dooleys Club Chairman - John Munce and his fellow board members, for their moral and financial support.
Finally, I would encourage all members to feel free to raise with Committee Members any suggestions on improvements that may benefit our group.
Hope to see as many of you at our first game in 2019 at Sefton GC.
Yours Truly
Bernie Freeburn
We started the year with our first game against
Campbelltown, played in March at Antill Pk GC. We played well, but not good enough to beat Campbelltown.
Our next game was played at Dunheved GC in May and again we went down. It was a good team effort as we were down on numbers.
The third game was played at Studley Pk, Camden GC in July and again we lost by a reasonable margin. Campbelltown outplayed us again.
The fourth game was played at Hurstville GC in September. As Campbelltown now had an unbeatable lead for the year, it was agreed we would play a different format. We still played two ball best ball, but each winning pair from each group, would count for one win. At the end of the day the team with the most wins would win the day. As it turned out, the day was drawn. But at least it was much more competitive.
We played our final game at Georges River GC in November. This was another good team effort with some very good individual efforts. We didn’t play a team competition as it was the Championship round. The majority of individual prizes were won by our players in the A, B and C Grades.
One of the difficulties shown throughout the year was that the handicaps of some players weren’t adjusted to players abilities. This led to some very high stableford scores, which made it difficult for us to compete with. Moving forward, we will now have Adam Welton taking over as handicapper and he will hopefully be able to adjust handicaps to ensure a more even competition.
After our final game at Georges River we got together for a bbq and get together at Adam and Julie Pemble’s home and we thank them for their hospitality, organisation and effort to make the afternoon so successful. Thanks also to everyone who contributed towards the catering.
We had 20 players represent us over the five Association games and one Canberra exchange game. Again we thank the ladies for playing for us.
The Canberra exchange game was played at Magpies GC, Belconnen, in August. This year we went to Canberra as a Dooleys team only, as Campbelltown chose not to go. Canberra were too consistent, winning again. The Saturday night dinner was organised by our Canberra friends and a great time was had by all.
The Campbelltown team again outplayed us this year, but no matter what the result was, our team deserves credit for the sportsmanship and spirit displayed .
Our thanks to the Dooleys Club Board of Directors for their continued support of the team, again they can be proud of the way the team represents the Dooleys Cub.
If anyone is interested in playing Association golf or finding out more about it, please speak to me.
Bernie Freeburn
This year will be our 53rd and the Golf Club is still reasonably strong.
Last year we played 12 games
Average attendance for 2018 was 35 players per game compared to 38 last year.
61 players played this year and attended 415 games compared with 461 games last year.
38 players have attended 6 or more games.
15 players attended only 1 or 2 games. The remaining 8 players only attended 3 to 5 games.
Approximately 20 our regular players are 70 years or older and they are now another year older.
Granted that society has changed and the potential to attract new players is limited.
However, there is a need to attract new players no matter what their age maybe and there is a great need for younger players to take over from us veterans.
We must encourage our friends, their friends, their children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren and who ever possible to play with the DOOLEY social golfers.
We need new and younger players to maintain the continued success of the golf club.
From the 21st to 23rd September the 32nd Golfing Weekend was another visit to the western township of Orange. Only a small contingent of 42 golfers and friends attended the weekend. Once again, it was another successful weekend some saying it was the best weekend they had experienced. For the Friday morning early travellers it was a most pleasant trip travelling west made more spectacular by the beautiful display of Wattle between Lithgow and Bathurst. Everyone arrived in time to enjoy a meal and a social drink at the Robin Hood on Friday evening. On Saturday morning 21 golfers teed off at Duntryleague in absolutely perfect spring weather. Sunday was once again a perfect spring day for golf. The Saturday evening dinner was at the Duntryleague Country Club. The dining room at the Oriana Motor Inn was unavailable due to renovations. The three course alternate serve meal was excellent and enjoyed by everyone.
This year the Weekend of Golf will be at Nelsons Bay.
The annual Golf Dinner held on Saturday the 2nd June at DOOLEYS, Waterview. Twenty-six golfers, partners and supporters attended and according to all reports it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening with everyone enjoying the platters of food. Each patron sitting at two of the four tables was fortunate enough to win one of the eighteen lucky door prizes.
As can be seen from the balance sheet 2018 was another successful year although the balance sheet shows that we suffered a loss of $218.14. This off set by the purchase of Golf Shirts $570 and the cessation of an annual donation of $150. Despite having 40 + less players than last year, most expenditure items were comparable with last year. The only exception to this was the amount of money expended on Trophies/Vouchers/Donation which was some $600 less than last year There are a few reasons for this, mainly numbers attending.
As far as income is concerned, the proceeds receive it was comparable to last years income. The only exception to this was the proceeds received from the Raffle, up $600 on last year. Although I was reluctant to suggest we raise Green Fees it was apparent that we had to cut foreseeable losses. This year we charged each and every one $5 for raffle tickets. This compulsory charge, at the moment, is allowing us to balance the books but decreasing attendance/playing numbers could soon affect the balance sheets.
This year we only collected and were only able to donate $161.70 to the Westmead Children’s Hospital. This was most disappointing.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 14 golfers who volunteered their time and energies in support of the DOOLEYS Christmas Fair for the support of Children with Cancer at Westmead Children’s Hospital.
In commending this report to you, may I take this opportunity on behalf of the Golf Committee to thank all Golfers for their loyal and continuous support of the DOOLEYS Social Golf Club.
To the President, Board of Directors, our Patron Bill Belkovskis, the Chief Executive Officer and Staff of Dooley’s we thank for your generous support. Your assistance and financial support contributed to the Golf Club enables it to operate effectively and to be an enjoyable success.
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